Thursday, July 21, 2011

[ ] PSY101 Final Paper...

Total questions = 50

Total mcq's = 40


5 questions having 3 marks:

1.     Who define "tabula rasa", briefly define it.

2.     Salman drinks Alcohol, due to it he got lose of memory. What situation he suffers and explains it.

3.     How Psychiatrist are differ from council psychology.

4.     Define personality

5.     Differentiate conformity and compliance.


5 questions having 5 marks:

1.     Define the following


Variable schedule

Fixed-interval schedule

Variable –interval schedule

2.     Define 2 steps of job analysis and describe them.

3.     Define systematic decentralized phobia and its steps.

4.     Differentiate source and surface trait

5.     Define ways of improving memory and define 3 of them.


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