Monday, July 18, 2011

[ ] STA630 Subjective paper

all the MCQ were new , only 10 MCQ were frm past papers ,

what are the advantage and disadvantage of using public internet in
conducting literature research 3 marks
what do you know about pretest and posttest experiment and control
group design 3 marks
if you are doing a research how would you differentiate between
undimentionality and weighting. 3 marks
write a ote on 3 varities of non reactive observation 5 marks
how do we gie reference quoutional during literature review in APA
style 5 marks
what is the importance of debriefing in research 5 marks
how would you deal with items which are not responded 5marks

do pray for me from the buttom of ur heart .
May ALLAH bless us all Ameen

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